What’s the best biome to rush for iron in a speedrun?

In Valheim, speedrunning for iron requires a strategic approach to maximize efficiency and minimize time spent. The best biome to rush for iron is the Swamp biome, as it contains Scrap Iron, which is essential for crafting mid-game gear and tools. However, reaching and surviving the Swamp biome requires careful preparation and knowledge of game mechanics.\n\nTo begin, you must first defeat the first boss, Eikthyr, to obtain the Hard Antler, which is used to craft the Antler Pickaxe. This pickaxe is necessary to mine Tin and Copper in the Black Forest biome. After gathering enough Copper and Tin, smelt them into Bronze at a Forge to craft the Bronze Pickaxe, which is required to mine Scrap Iron in the Swamp. Prioritize upgrading your Forge and crafting a Bronze Mace, as it is highly effective against Swamp enemies like Draugr and Blobs.\n\nBefore venturing into the Swamp, ensure you have adequate food and gear. Cooked meat, berries, and honey provide decent health and stamina boosts. Equip Troll Armor for its stealth bonus, which helps avoid unnecessary combat. Craft a Finewood Bow and Flinthead Arrows to deal with enemies from a distance. Additionally, bring a Hoe to level the ground in the Swamp, making traversal easier and reducing the risk of drowning in deep water.\n\nOnce prepared, locate a Swamp biome near your starting area. Use a Karve or Raft to explore coastal areas, as Swamps are often found near water. Upon entering the Swamp, look for Sunken Crypts, which are dungeon-like structures containing Muddy Scrap Piles. These piles yield Scrap Iron when mined with a Bronze Pickaxe. Be cautious of enemies like Draugr, Skeletons, and Leeches, which are common in the Swamp. Use your Bronze Mace and Bow to dispatch them efficiently.\n\nA common challenge in the Swamp is managing stamina and health due to the constant rain, which reduces stamina regeneration. To counter this, bring stamina-boosting foods like Carrot Soup or Queens Jam. Additionally, craft a Campfire inside Sunken Crypts to rest and regain stamina. Always clear enemies before mining to avoid interruptions. If overwhelmed, retreat to a safer area and regroup.\n\nAfter gathering enough Scrap Iron, return to your base and smelt it into Iron at a Smelter. Use the Iron to craft essential items like the Iron Pickaxe, Iron Mace, and Iron Armor. These upgrades significantly improve your combat and mining capabilities, allowing you to progress faster in the game. Prioritize crafting the Iron Sledge, as it is highly effective against groups of enemies in later biomes.\n\nFor experienced players, consider skipping Bronze gear entirely by using Troll Armor and a Finewood Bow to survive the Swamp. This strategy saves time but requires precise combat skills and careful resource management. New players should stick to the Bronze-to-Iron progression for a smoother experience.\n\nIn summary, the Swamp biome is the best location to rush for iron in a Valheim speedrun. Proper preparation, including crafting the right tools, gathering food, and equipping suitable gear, is crucial for success. Focus on locating Sunken Crypts, managing stamina, and efficiently clearing enemies to maximize your iron yield. With these strategies, you can quickly progress through the mid-game and prepare for the challenges ahead.