How do I track my progress in finding and using iron scrap?

Tracking your progress in finding and using iron scrap in Valheim is essential for advancing through the game, as iron is a critical resource for crafting powerful weapons, armor, and tools. Iron scrap is primarily found in the Swamp biome, which is a dangerous area filled with hostile creatures and environmental hazards. To begin your search, you must first locate a Swamp biome, which can be identified by its dark, murky water, leafless trees, and eerie atmosphere. Once you have found a Swamp, you will need to prepare adequately by crafting a Bronze Pickaxe, as this is the minimum tool required to mine iron scrap.\n\nIron scrap is found in two main forms within the Swamp: buried Muddy Scrap Piles and inside Sunken Crypts. Muddy Scrap Piles are scattered throughout the Swamp and can be mined with a Bronze Pickaxe or better. However, the majority of iron scrap is found inside Sunken Crypts, which are dungeon-like structures with iron gates. To enter a Sunken Crypt, you will need a Swamp Key, which is obtained by defeating the second boss, The Elder. Once inside, you will find Muddy Scrap Piles that yield large amounts of iron scrap when mined.\n\nTo track your progress, it is helpful to mark the locations of Swamp biomes and Sunken Crypts on your map. Use the map marker system to note the positions of Crypts you have explored and those you have yet to clear. This will help you avoid revisiting the same locations and ensure you maximize your iron yield. Additionally, keep an inventory of your iron scrap and crafted items to monitor your progress. For example, if you need 30 iron to craft a full set of Iron Armor, track how much you have collected and how much is still needed.\n\nOne common challenge is the difficulty of navigating the Swamp biome due to its hostile environment. To mitigate this, bring Poison Resistance Mead, which can be crafted at a Fermenter using Honey, Thistle, Neck Tail, and Coal. This mead will protect you from the poison damage inflicted by Blobs and Oozers. Additionally, equip yourself with a strong weapon, such as a Bronze Mace, to deal with the Swamp''s enemies effectively. Always carry a shield to block attacks and a bow for ranged combat against Leeches in the water.\n\nOnce you have collected enough iron scrap, return to your base and smelt it in a Blast Furnace. Iron bars can then be used to craft a variety of items, including the Iron Pickaxe, Iron Sword, Iron Armor, and Iron Nails for building Longships. Prioritize crafting tools and weapons that will help you progress further, such as the Iron Pickaxe for mining Silver in the Mountains biome. Keep track of your crafting goals by creating a checklist of items you need and the resources required for each.\n\nFinally, consider building a portal near the Swamp biome to streamline your resource-gathering trips. Portals require Fine Wood, Greydwarf Eyes, and Surtling Cores to craft, but they save significant time and effort when traveling between your base and the Swamp. By following these steps and tracking your progress systematically, you will efficiently gather and utilize iron scrap to strengthen your Viking and conquer Valheim''s challenges.