What’s the most efficient way to farm surtling cores for crafting portals?

Surtling cores are essential for crafting portals, smelters, and charcoal kilns in Valheim, making them a highly sought-after resource. These glowing red cores are primarily found in the Swamp biome, specifically within Burial Chambers and Surtling spawners. To farm them efficiently, you need to understand the game mechanics and plan your approach carefully.\n\nFirst, prepare for the Swamp biome by crafting bronze or iron gear, as it is a dangerous area filled with enemies like Draugr, Leeches, and Blobs. Bring a good weapon, a shield, and plenty of healing items like cooked meat or berries. Additionally, equip a pickaxe to mine the cores and a hoe to level the ground, as the Swamp is often flooded and difficult to navigate.\n\nBurial Chambers are your primary source of Surtling cores in the early game. These dungeons are scattered throughout the Black Forest biome and contain multiple rooms with Surtling cores, often guarded by Skeletons. Clear the enemies carefully, and explore every corner of the dungeon. Each Burial Chamber typically yields 5-10 cores, making them a reliable early-game farming spot.\n\nFor a more efficient and renewable source of Surtling cores, focus on Surtling spawners in the Swamp biome. These spawners are flame geysers that continuously spawn Surtlings, fiery enemies that drop cores when killed. To farm them effectively, locate a flame geyser and dig around it using your pickaxe. Lower the surrounding terrain until the geyser is submerged in water, which instantly kills any Surtlings that spawn. This creates an automated farming system where you can collect cores without fighting.\n\nTo maximize efficiency, mark the locations of multiple flame geysers on your map and create a farming route. This allows you to visit each geyser periodically and collect cores without wasting time. Additionally, consider building a portal near your farming area to reduce travel time. Portals require 10 fine wood, 20 greydwarf eyes, and 2 Surtling cores, so prioritize crafting one as soon as you have enough resources.\n\nA common challenge is dealing with the Swamp''s hostile environment while farming. To mitigate this, bring poison resistance mead, which reduces damage from Blobs and Leeches. Also, avoid fighting unnecessary enemies by staying on higher ground and using stealth when possible. If you encounter a group of Surtlings, use a bow to pick them off from a distance before engaging in melee combat.\n\nFor experienced players, consider setting up a base near a cluster of flame geysers. This allows you to farm cores regularly while also gathering other Swamp resources like iron scrap and guck. Build a small outpost with a bed, chests, and a portal for convenience. This strategy is particularly useful if you plan to craft multiple portals or smelters.\n\nIn summary, the most efficient way to farm Surtling cores involves a combination of exploring Burial Chambers in the Black Forest and automating Surtling spawners in the Swamp biome. Prepare adequately for the Swamp''s dangers, use water to kill Surtlings instantly, and optimize your farming route with portals and marked locations. With these strategies, you''ll have a steady supply of Surtling cores for all your crafting needs.