How do you unlock the ability to craft frost-resistant gear?

To unlock the ability to craft frost-resistant gear in Valheim, you must first progress through the game''s biomes and defeat specific bosses. Frost-resistant gear is essential for surviving the Mountain biome, where freezing temperatures can quickly drain your health. The process involves gathering rare resources, defeating the Moder boss, and crafting the Wolf Armor set or Lox Cape.\n\nStart by exploring the Swamp biome to gather Iron from Sunken Crypts. You''ll need Iron to craft a Stonecutter, which allows you to build a Blast Furnace. The Blast Furnace is required to smelt Silver, a key resource for frost-resistant gear. To find Silver, you must first defeat the Bonemass boss in the Swamp biome. Bonemass drops the Wishbone, an item that detects Silver deposits in the Mountain biome.\n\nOnce you have the Wishbone, head to the Mountains. Equip the Wishbone and explore the biome until it starts pulsing, indicating nearby Silver. Use a Pickaxe to mine the Silver ore. Be cautious of Drakes, Wolves, and Stone Golems, as they are common threats in this biome. After mining enough Silver, return to your base and smelt it in the Blast Furnace.\n\nNext, you''ll need Wolf Pelts and Wolf Fangs, which are dropped by Wolves in the Mountain biome. Wolves are aggressive and travel in packs, so bring strong weapons and armor. You can also craft Frost Resistance Mead using Honey, Thistle, Bloodbags, and Greydwarf Eyes. This mead provides temporary frost resistance, making it easier to gather resources in the Mountains.\n\nWith Silver, Wolf Pelts, and Wolf Fangs, you can craft the Wolf Armor set at a Forge. The Wolf Armor Chest, Legs, and Cape provide frost resistance, allowing you to explore the Mountains without freezing. Alternatively, you can craft the Lox Cape using Lox Pelts and Silver. The Lox Cape is easier to obtain but offers less protection than the Wolf Armor set.\n\nTo fully unlock frost-resistant gear, you must defeat Moder, the fourth boss, located in the Mountain biome. Moder drops Dragon Tears, which are used to craft the Artisan Table. The Artisan Table unlocks advanced crafting recipes, including the ability to craft the Wolf Armor set. Defeating Moder also grants you access to Plains biome resources, which are useful for endgame crafting.\n\nA common challenge is surviving the Mountain biome''s freezing temperatures while gathering resources. To mitigate this, always carry Frost Resistance Mead or wear at least one piece of frost-resistant gear. Additionally, build a small shelter or campfire in the Mountains to warm up and recover health. If you''re struggling to find Silver, use the Wishbone near large rock formations, as Silver deposits are often hidden beneath them.\n\nIn summary, unlocking frost-resistant gear requires defeating Bonemass, mining Silver, gathering Wolf Pelts, and crafting the Wolf Armor set or Lox Cape. Defeating Moder is the final step to fully unlock advanced frost-resistant gear. With proper preparation and resource management, you can conquer the Mountains and thrive in Valheim''s harshest biome.