How do I build a portal network to save time while exploring?

Building a portal network in Valheim is one of the most efficient ways to save time while exploring the vast world. Portals allow you to instantly travel between two connected points, eliminating the need for long treks across dangerous biomes. To create a portal network, you must first unlock the necessary crafting recipe by defeating the first boss, Eikthyr, and obtaining Hard Antlers. These are used to craft the Antler Pickaxe, which allows you to mine Surtling Cores in the Black Forest biome. Surtling Cores are essential for crafting portals and other advanced items.\n\nOnce you have at least two Surtling Cores, you can craft a portal at a Workbench. Each portal requires 20 Fine Wood, 2 Surtling Cores, and 10 Greydwarf Eyes. Fine Wood is obtained by chopping down Birch or Oak trees in the Meadows or Black Forest biomes. Greydwarf Eyes drop from Greydwarf enemies, which are common in the Black Forest. After crafting a portal, you must place it in a secure location, such as near your base or in a fortified outpost, to prevent it from being destroyed by enemies.\n\nTo connect two portals, you must assign them the same tag. When placing a portal, you will see an option to name it. Both portals must have identical names to function as a pair. For example, if you name one portal ''Base'' and another portal ''Base,'' they will connect instantly. This allows you to travel between your main base and remote locations, such as mining outposts or boss arenas. It’s a good idea to create a naming system for your portals to keep track of their locations, such as ''Swamp1'' or ''Mountain2.''\n\nOne common challenge is running out of Surtling Cores, as they are required for both portals and other important items like the Charcoal Kiln and Smelter. To farm Surtling Cores efficiently, explore Burial Chambers in the Black Forest or visit the Ashlands biome, where Surtlings spawn frequently. Another challenge is protecting your portals from enemy raids. To mitigate this, build a small wall or fence around your portal and place a Workbench nearby to prevent enemy spawns.\n\nPortals are especially useful for exploring dangerous biomes like the Swamp or Mountains. For example, you can place a portal near a Crypt in the Swamp to quickly transport Iron Ore back to your base for smelting. In the Mountains, a portal can serve as a safe retreat if you encounter a pack of Wolves or a Stone Golem. However, note that certain items, like metals (e.g., Copper, Iron, Silver), cannot be transported through portals. You will need to transport these manually or use a Longship to sail them back to your base.\n\nTo optimize your portal network, consider creating a central hub at your main base with multiple portals leading to different biomes or resource-rich areas. This allows you to quickly switch between locations without needing to rename portals constantly. Additionally, always carry portal materials (Fine Wood, Surtling Cores, and Greydwarf Eyes) when exploring, so you can set up a temporary portal if needed. This is particularly useful during boss fights or when you’re far from home and need to restock supplies.\n\nIn summary, a well-planned portal network is a game-changer in Valheim, saving you countless hours of travel time and reducing the risk of losing valuable resources. By following these steps and tips, you can create an efficient and reliable system for exploring the world and managing your resources. Happy exploring, Viking!