What’s the fastest way to unlock the stonecutter in Valheim?

Unlocking the stonecutter in Valheim is a crucial step for advancing your base-building capabilities, as it allows you to craft stone structures and upgrade your defenses. The stonecutter requires specific materials and progression milestones, so optimizing your path to unlock it quickly is essential for speedrunning or efficient gameplay.\n\nTo unlock the stonecutter, you must first defeat the first boss, Eikthyr, in the Meadows biome. Eikthyr drops Hard Antlers, which are used to craft the Antler Pickaxe. This pickaxe is necessary to mine Tin and Copper in the Black Forest biome, two key resources for crafting Bronze. Without Bronze, you cannot craft the stonecutter, so defeating Eikthyr is your first priority.\n\nAfter defeating Eikthyr, head to the Black Forest biome to gather Copper and Tin. Copper nodes are large, rocky deposits found on the ground, while Tin is found near water sources like rivers or the ocean. Use your Antler Pickaxe to mine these resources. Be cautious, as the Black Forest is home to Greydwarfs and Trolls, which can pose a threat. Bring a shield and a weapon like a Flint Spear or Club to defend yourself.\n\nOnce you have enough Copper and Tin, return to your base and smelt them into Bronze using a Smelter. To build a Smelter, you need 20 Stone and 5 Surtling Cores. Surtling Cores are found in Burial Chambers in the Black Forest or dropped by Surtlings in the Ashlands biome. If you''re speedrunning, prioritize Burial Chambers, as they are easier to access early in the game.\n\nWith Bronze in hand, craft a Forge using 4 Stone, 4 Coal, 10 Wood, and 6 Copper. The Forge is required to craft the stonecutter. Once the Forge is built, you can craft the stonecutter using 10 Wood and 2 Iron. However, Iron is not found in the Black Forest; you must venture into the Swamp biome to obtain it. This is where the challenge increases, as the Swamp is a dangerous biome filled with Draugr, Leeches, and Blobs.\n\nTo gather Iron, you need to find Muddy Scrap Piles in Sunken Crypts within the Swamp biome. These crypts require a Swamp Key to enter, which is dropped by the second boss, The Elder. Defeating The Elder is a significant milestone, as it grants access to Iron and unlocks the stonecutter. Prepare for this fight by crafting a Finewood Bow and Fire Arrows, as The Elder is weak to fire damage.\n\nAfter defeating The Elder, locate a Swamp biome and search for Sunken Crypts. Use the Swamp Key to enter and mine Muddy Scrap Piles with your Antler Pickaxe. Smelt the Scrap Iron into Iron Bars at your base, then craft the stonecutter at the Forge. Once built, place the stonecutter near your base to unlock stone building options.\n\nFor speedrunning, prioritize efficient resource gathering and combat preparation. Use portals to minimize travel time between biomes, and always carry essential tools like a Hammer, Axe, and Pickaxe. If you encounter challenges like hostile mobs or resource scarcity, consider teaming up with other players or revisiting earlier biomes to stockpile materials.\n\nIn summary, the fastest way to unlock the stonecutter involves defeating Eikthyr, mining Copper and Tin in the Black Forest, crafting Bronze, building a Forge, defeating The Elder, and gathering Iron in the Swamp biome. By following this optimized path and preparing for each step, you can unlock the stonecutter efficiently and enhance your base-building capabilities in Valheim.