What is the most efficient way to gather core wood for building?

Gathering core wood efficiently in Valheim is essential for building sturdy structures and crafting advanced items. Core wood is obtained from pine trees, which are primarily found in the Black Forest biome. Unlike regular wood, core wood is thicker and requires a bronze axe or better to harvest. This makes it a mid-tier resource, so players should ensure they have the necessary tools before venturing into the Black Forest.\n\nTo begin, you will need a bronze axe. Crafting a bronze axe requires bronze, which is made by combining copper and tin at a forge. Copper is mined from copper deposits in the Black Forest, while tin is found along the shores of the same biome. Once you have a bronze axe, you are ready to start gathering core wood. Pine trees are tall and have a distinct appearance, making them easy to identify in the Black Forest.\n\nWhen chopping down pine trees, be cautious of their falling direction. Pine trees are large and can cause significant damage if they fall on you or nearby structures. Always position yourself so that the tree falls away from you or into an open area. Additionally, pine trees often drop multiple core wood logs, so you can gather a substantial amount from a single tree. This makes them highly efficient for resource collection.\n\nOne common challenge is dealing with enemies in the Black Forest while gathering core wood. Greydwarfs and trolls are frequent threats in this biome. To mitigate this, consider bringing a shield and a weapon for self-defense. Alternatively, you can build a small outpost near the forest with a workbench and a fire to provide a safe zone for resting and repairing your tools. This strategy is especially useful for extended gathering sessions.\n\nFor experienced players, using a cart to transport large amounts of core wood can save time. Carts are crafted using bronze nails and wood, and they allow you to carry heavy loads over long distances. Simply load the core wood into the cart and pull it back to your base. This method is particularly effective if you are building a large structure that requires a significant amount of core wood.\n\nAnother tip is to replant pine trees using pine cones. While this is not as fast as gathering from naturally spawned trees, it ensures a sustainable source of core wood for future projects. Pine cones can be obtained by chopping down pine trees, and they can be planted in cultivated soil using a cultivator. This is a long-term strategy that benefits players who plan to build extensively.\n\nIn summary, the most efficient way to gather core wood involves using a bronze axe to chop pine trees in the Black Forest. Be mindful of falling trees and hostile enemies, and consider using a cart for transportation. For sustainability, replant pine trees using pine cones. With these strategies, you can gather core wood efficiently and build impressive structures in Valheim.